Thursday 26 January 2023

Foundation Course for Class 11

The foundation course for Class 11 is a preparatory program for students who are planning to take up the CBSE board exams for Class 12. This course is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in the subjects they will be studying in Class 11, such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology. The Sarthak course covers all the important concepts and topics in these subjects, and is designed to help students develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their Class 11 exams. The course is typically taught by experienced teachers who are familiar with the CBSE curriculum and are able to provide students with valuable guidance and support. Additionally, students who complete the Foundation Course for Class 11 may be better prepared for the more challenging coursework they will encounter in Class 12.

The foundation course for class 11 is a preparatory program for students who wish to pursue their higher education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. The course aims to provide students with a solid foundation in mathematics and science, which are the backbone of these fields. The curriculum is designed to help students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, as well as a strong understanding of the basic concepts in mathematics and science. The course typically covers topics such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, physics, chemistry, and biology. The goal is to prepare students for the rigors of advanced coursework in these fields, and to set them up for success in their future studies and careers.

Tuesday 3 January 2023

Force and Pressure Notes for Class 8

 Science in class 8 is a fantastic subject that lays a solid basis for the kids to build upon as they move on to higher grades. There is a chapter on pressure and force in this syllabus. The eleventh chapter will go over what force is and how many different kinds there are. With the help of suitable examples, you will understand how force is produced in this chapter. Students must learn this chapter of physics because it is so basic. So that you can simplify the new concepts and concentrate on building your knowledge base, you will need the help of the Chapter Force and Pressure Class 8 revision notes.

The knowledgeable instructors at Sarthak are aware of the difficulties that pupils have understanding these novel ideas. To make these ideas simple to understand and apply to questions, they have utilised terminology that is easier to understand. Let's see how these review notes can help your understanding and retention of the brand-new concepts of force and pressure.

Important topics covered in Force and Pressure notes:

  • Pre Knowledge
  • Force
  • Effect of force
  • Contact force
  • Non-contact forces
  • Magnetic forces
  • Electrostatic forces
  • Gravitational force
  • Pressure
  • Pressure Exerted by Liquids and Gases
  • Atmospheric Pressure

Pre-knowledge about force:

  • Different actions which we perform in our day-to-day life are playing, lifting weight, pushing, picking, pulling etc. creates change in position of the object.
  • We observe different types of motion in object after this task.


  • Push or pull on any object is said to be force.
  • Push: When an object moves away from the applier of force, the object is said to be pushed.
  • Pull: When object moves towards the direction of application of force than object is said to be pulled.
  • Simply, we can define force as the physical cause which either changes or try to change the position, shape, size of any object.
  • The interaction of one object with the other also leads to the force between them.
  • The magnitude and direction of force decides the effect of force.

Effect and application of force

  • When force is applied in the direction of motion of body then it adds up to the actual force.
  • When force is applied in opposite direction of motion of a body then net force is the difference of the two forces.
  • Force can cause a body to move from rest.
  • A moving body can be brought to rest after the application of force.
  • Application of force can change the direction of moving body.
  • It can change the speed of a moving body.
  • It can also change the shape and size of body.

Contact forces

Those forces which cause its effect by making contact with the object is said to be contact force. Some contact forces are given below. Take a look at it:

Muscular force

  • Force which involves the action of muscles.
  • Human, as well as animals, use muscular force to perform various tasks.
  • By muscular force, a bullock is able to pull a cart.


  • To oppose the relative motion between two surfaces, when one surface is moving over the other a force which acts is said to be friction.
  • Friction always opposes motion because it acts in opposite direction to motion.
  • There would be no friction if there is no contact between two surfaces.
  • Frictional force also depends upon the nature of the contact surface.

Non-contact force:

The force which can cause effect without making a contact with object is said to be non-contact forces. Let’s take a look at the different types of non-contact forces.

Magnetic Force:

  • The force applied by a magnet on any magnetic object is said to be magnetic force.
  • A magnet can exert its force on an object even from a distance and does not need to touch that object.
  • Iron, steel, cobalt etc. are some magnetic objects.
  • The magnetic force may be attractive or repulsive.

Electrostatic force:

  • The force which is produced due to electric charges is called electrostatic forces.
  • This force exerted by a charged body on another charged or uncharged body
  • Electrostatic force can also be attractive or repulsive.

Gravitational force:

  • Every object in the universe exerts a force on another object and this force is called gravitational force.
  • The celestial bodies keep their defined position in the space due to the gravitational force of celestial bodies.
  • It is attractive in nature and cause due to mass of the body.
  • Any object, when thrown upwards, falls down to the earth’s surface due to gravitational force.


  • Force acting per unit area is called pressure.
  • Pressure = \(\frac{force}{Surface\:Area\:on\:which\:it\:acts}\)
  • The unit of pressure is N/m2. We can also call it Pascal.
  • Pressure is directly proportional to force.
  • Area of surface is inversely proportional to pressure. So smaller the surface, higher will be its pressure.
  • Liquids exert a force on the wall of container and effect of pressure increases with depth.
  • At same depth in the container, the pressure is the same.
  • Gases also exert pressure on the walls of their container.

Fluid: Pressure Exerted by Liquid and Gases

  • Those substances which can flow is said to be fluid.
  • Fluids include liquids as well as gases.
  • At same depth, fluid exerts equal pressure.

Atmospheric Pressure

  • This envelope of air surrounding the earth is known as the atmosphere.
  • Atmospheric air extends up too many km’s above the earth’s surface.
  • The pressure exerted by the air on any surface is known as atmospheric pressure.

How to Use NCERT Solutions for Class 12 to Boost Your Grades